30 março 2009

virtual sunbathing

original photo by Booyahdesign

Hum.... ok, small spaces, crisis... Japan. Technology.

The traditional capsule hotel has individual tv’s and radios… the old windows. clearly the tv screen will give way to the PC. For the time being bring your own in your pocket or as small as possible under your arms.

The internet café made into guest room.

Common factor: the new window, the internet.

People get scared of visions of a future where a human being will spend a significant amount of his life connected to a realistic immersive world, sitting in a corner wearing a big helmet.

Guests in the capsules or in the cubicles of the internet café, most likely would enjoy that option today.
Lying in these tiny spaces, they could immerse in the beach of their dreams. They would get the virtual suntan on their virtual skins.

26 março 2009

Merlove e WinXP

Ultimamente tenho ouvido muito a radio online Wine and Dine Radio mais conhecida por iWineRadio sempre pela voz da jornalista vinícola Lynn Krielow Chamberlain. É a rádio que oiço geralmente pela manhã, enquanto tomo o pequeno almoço. Desperta os sentidos e agrada-me o tom calmo da conversa sempre à volta de vinhos e comidas. já ouvi muita coisa sobre vinhos espanhóis, italianos, franceses e americanos, especialmente de Napa Valley, na Califórnia. Além disso soa bem, ouvir um americano dizer: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay,Merlot… especialmente Merlot. A sério soa mesmo bem. Há dias estava a ler sobre esta zona vinícola e percebi que muitos de nós, mesmo sem saber, está cansado de a ver no seu dia-a-dia.

Reconhecem este sitio? A fotografia acima foi tirada algures no condado de Sonoma, mesmo ao lado de Napa.

E esta reconhecem claramente, n? Pois… é Bliss,o mais famoso fundo de ecrã do Windows XP, da autoria de Charles O'Rear. A primeira foto é a recriação por Simon Goldin a 26 de Novembro de 2006, uma foto tirada no mesmo local da Bliss.
Confesso que dava por mim, por vezes, a pensar se a imagem do XP era verdadeira ou mais uma manipulação.

Sem saber, estávamos/estamos todos a olhar para o vinho da

Bliss no Google Maps

24 março 2009


From latin “nihil” = nothing.
It can be described as an escape from reality. The world is hard and crushes us. The nihilist architect creates imaginary refuges, new worlds, new life: an harmonious universe in which suffering, time and death are banned.
The nihislist architect realizes that it is from fear, that he creates the new world. He realizes that it was simply an answer to a question; cause and effect. This dualism and it’s inevitable system of values (true/false, spirit/mater…) must be broken.
Letting go of dualism and values is hard. The nihilist architect might feel lost and alone, but it is also liberating as dogma is left behind.
The nihilist architect has taken this journey. He is real enough to love, fear and escape, and to create anew. He is strong enough to destroy and rebuild. He is free to create. He seeks the true white sheet of paper. He is without prejudice.
There are days I love. Other, I fear. There are days I love.
The nihilist architect overcomes levelling and is reborn many times. Construction/destruction/construction
What does it mean to live your existence as if it was a work of art?